In the interim, I've kept my hair routine rather simple. Even so, there's something to be said for simpler styles. I really like the wash 'n' brush style I wore recently. I don't think it gets simpler than this!
Tuesday, 9 July 2013
Hair of The Day: Wash 'n' Brush
First post Of July...I was hoping to do another 30 day challenge, but have been ultra-busy as of late, so it will have to wait :-(
In the interim, I've kept my hair routine rather simple. Even so, there's something to be said for simpler styles. I really like the wash 'n' brush style I wore recently. I don't think it gets simpler than this!
In the interim, I've kept my hair routine rather simple. Even so, there's something to be said for simpler styles. I really like the wash 'n' brush style I wore recently. I don't think it gets simpler than this!
Monday, 17 June 2013
Hair Of The Day: Curl Curl Curl
He-yo! Wore a curled style yesterday. Stayed bouncy and curly into today as well. Next time will probably emphasise the curls above, as they are definitely more pronounced as you go down. What do you think?
Sunday, 16 June 2013
Hair of The Day: Up and Down
A little bit of wave action, can go a long way. I think this is true for the photo of the back, especially with the highlights. Donned my favourite bow, and went out to enjoy the afternoon sunshine!
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Hair of The Day - 3 Styles
The past few weeks I've had a number of dramatic hair changes. It all started when I decided to say goodbye to my previous style. I removed my extensions and flaunted this for a little while.
Then this week, got extensions fitted in for the summer...
The highlights are more pronounced than last time, but I figured summer would be a good time to change tones. I drew inspiration from dip-dye and ombre styles, but didn't want it to be so uniform in terms of colour gradation so I dyed the bundles with various tones and spread of colour. Also, never usually wear styles this long so it's a bit of a change in terms of length, but I'm liking it so far.
One of my favourite hair accessories is that ankara bow - I seem to save it for the sunniest of days.
The next week I got my hair relaxed. That was a drama in itself, only because the place where I had originally booked, never actually opened, so had to travel across town for an walk-in appointment somewhere else. This is the second time this has happened (different salons) to me. If you are running late, please let the customer know, and don't just leave them hanging. That aside, had my hair like this just shy of a week.
Then this week, got extensions fitted in for the summer...
The highlights are more pronounced than last time, but I figured summer would be a good time to change tones. I drew inspiration from dip-dye and ombre styles, but didn't want it to be so uniform in terms of colour gradation so I dyed the bundles with various tones and spread of colour. Also, never usually wear styles this long so it's a bit of a change in terms of length, but I'm liking it so far.
Friday, 31 May 2013
Bank Holiday Hair
Last weekend was a Bank Holiday Weekend, and what a wonderful weekend it was. A bit of time to recharge, beautiful weather and fun hairstyles.
I went to the Afro Hair and Beauty Show for the first time in a 3 years and had a great time taking in all the hairspiration. Of course, in true Hair Of The Day style, the weekend also marked a time of hair experimentation, where I was trying out a particular type of hairdo. The mission? Perfect the sideswept 'do! The outcome? A work in progress...
This is the look I tried out on Saturday. Simple, loose waves, with the hair slicked down on the other side.
I liked it, and was able to find a a way to ensure the hair stayed on that side. On Sunday I wanted to something similar, but with more curls, so it was inevitably shorter. Same idea though.
I thought I preferred this style when I did it on Sunday. I thought it was an overall cuter style with the small curls, but in hindsight, I can't really choose! I guess part of wearing a style is how it feels on the day too.
On Monday, I decided to let loose with the sideswept and added some voluminous curls to the left side of my hair. Ran my fingers through it a few times and BAM! Big hair, shoulder length hair. Oh big hair, how I had missed thee.
What do you think? Which look do you like best, and why?
Saturday, 4 May 2013
Birthday Hair Of The Day
Hey you (yes, you)! Last week was my birthday, so in true Hair of The Day style, my celebratory hairstyle was on my mind. Prior to what can only be described as the Red Velvet Cake Consumption of 2013, I perused my file of styles (an actual paper file - yes I've gone analog). and eventually decided to go for defined spiral curls, as you can see below!
Tuesday, 16 April 2013
New Hair Update
Hello people, it's been a while, because I've been super super busy, and therefore unable to blog:-(
Nonetheless, here's an update! Woot *celebratory fist pumps ahoy*
After wearing my last style for about 3 months, decided I needed something fresh and a little different.
What did I do, then? I added some more volume and length, with honey brown highlights. Let's see how this goes...
What do you think?

Monday, 18 March 2013
Hair Of The Day...UPDATE: Extensions 3 months later
Monday, 11 March 2013
New Video: Old School Waves
Hello there! Been a while, hasn't it? FINALLY, I've been able to upload my latest hair tutorial video for creating glamorous waves - with no heat! Check it out below and let me know what you think!
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Hair Of The Day - Deep Red Alert
Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you've had a wonderful today. I recently decided to make a bit of a change with my hair, by adding a a slight burgundy tinge to it. I've got more adventurous colouring plans but I thought I'd dip my toes into this with a non-committal foray into this colour change. I do like it , and I especially admire its subtlety in colour but I will have to see if it's something I'd like to make more permanent or if I should go ahead with my other colouring plans (which looks pretty awesome, at least in my imagination it does...).
Saturday, 9 February 2013
HairOfTheDay - Old-School Waves
I was really inspired by the whole early 20th century finger waves look for this Hair Of The Day. There's so many more elaborate ways you can play around with it and style it, but before you can get fully creative with it, you need to have a basic style to build upon.
Yesterday, I decided to begin with the basic finger waves look, but I'm looking forward to experimenting with this style in the coming weeks and months.
Yesterday, I decided to begin with the basic finger waves look, but I'm looking forward to experimenting with this style in the coming weeks and months.
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Video Tutorial - Quick Faux Bob
Inspired by my Day 15 #HairOfTheDay - I've made this tutorial about how you achieve this look! I really like it because it gives you a completely different length in matter of moments and there's ways you can add your own spin to it and make it truly unique. I'm looking forward to sharing that with you at some point in the near future. For now though, here's the video. Enjoy!
Monday, 4 February 2013
1st February #HairOfTheDay - Wash n Go
So when I washed my hair this weekend, I left it to air-dry and this was the result. I like how it retains volume and waves when it has dried.
Friday, 1 February 2013
Hair Of The Day - January Review
Welcome to the month of February! Thanks for visiting my blog. I pray it's even better for you than the month we just left behind! What a month it has been too.
I've learned a lot this January, mostly thanks to starting this blog.
I learned that 31 days is a long time. It's also a pretty short time too, when you think about it.
I've learned that being outside of your comfort zone forces you to grow a bit more, and reevaluate your actions for improvement.
Lastly, and not least by any measure, I've learned new styles to try out on my hair!
So with January now firmly in the past, what does February bring for Hair Of The Day?
If I could sum up what I've been doing so far in a few simple words it would be: quantity and quality. More specifically, quantity > quality.
I want to challenge myself and experiment further with different hairstyles, and with doing a different hairstyle everyday I (ironically) haven't really been able to do that with as much finesse as I would like to. For instance, when I'm filming Hushberry hair tutorials, I end up wearing 2 styles (one of which I have previously worn) in one day so don't fully get to wear the #HairOfTheDay. The most beautiful things are borne through a process of time, and I would like to create more time to bring out better quality hairstyles on this blog So with February comes some changes to the blog...
Whilst I won't be posting every day, my postings will still be very frequent. I'll be posting different hairstyles and providing more in-depth writing and videos. Rest assured, it's still 'all hair everything'
x Sai x
Day 31 - Half Up, Half Down
Happy February to you! Yesterday I went for a half-up-half-down style, but not in the way you'd normally expect. On one side the hair was left down, whilst on the other it was up in a sort of bun style.
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Day 30 - Tied Down
Tightly tied down the front of my hair to create a small band of hair around me head. The rest of the hair was brushed out into it's wavy pattern.
Day 29 - Big, Thick and Somewhat Crimped?
It's amazing what a little finger brushing can do - I wasn't expecting the hair to be so big and look so crimped. Nevertheless, I'm not complaining - I actually thought it was pretty cool!
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Day 28 - Messy Bun
Hectic Monday mornings especially require super-easy hairstyles. The solution this Monday was in the form of a messy side bun. The rest of the hair was smooth to give a bit of contrast and emphasize the styling on the actual bun.
Monday, 28 January 2013
Day 27 - Slick, Straight Ponytail
Whilst my other ponytails have had some element of volume to them, this time I decided to go for a sleek and poker straight ponytail. Added a dash of gloss serum and tightly packed hair to give this look:
Sunday, 27 January 2013
Saturday, 26 January 2013
Day 25 - Roll on Friday
Created a side-parting and then rolled the right-sided portion of it, held up thanks to discreet pin. Left the rest of the hair straight for a more modern look.
Friday, 25 January 2013
Day 24 - Half Up, Half Down (Coral Edition)
A quieter day like yesterday, meant a quieter style: half up and half down with a coral pin holding it together at the back.
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Day 23 - Round The Twist
'Have you ever/Ever felt like this?/When strange things happen..'
Ahem. Excuse my theme-tuned-semi-hair-inspired nostalgia whilst I show you how I had my hair on the 23rd day of this year. I opted for a twist round the head and then joined it the remaining hair to form a longer twist ponytail.
Here's the front:
Ahem. Excuse my theme-tuned-semi-hair-inspired nostalgia whilst I show you how I had my hair on the 23rd day of this year. I opted for a twist round the head and then joined it the remaining hair to form a longer twist ponytail.
Here's the front:
And this, right here, is the back:
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Simple & Elegant Bun Tutorial Now Online!
Remember the Bun from Day 12? Well, I created a tutorial for it on Hushberry's YouTube Channel. Check it out below (in HD too!) and let me know what you think. I'll be adding extra styling pointers this week on how to keep it sleek and smooth!
Day 21 - Out There
Monday - new day, new week: plenty to be excited about. Decided I would start the week off with some Farrah Fawcett-esque flicks at the front, and leave the rest of the hair brushed out in its original wavy pattern.
Day 20 - Swoopside
A laid-back afternoon calls for a laid-back style, right? Must say, I like how the front of my hair slightly swoops in at the collarbone - very 90s (which is ironically back in fashion in 2013).
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Day 19 - Sophisticated Curls
Earlier this week I tweeted that I would be wearing my hair either big or quite girly. Well, enter the weekend and I had a bit of a shift in thought - the shift being: how about I go big but with a sophisticated touch? The result was a focus on tighter curls at the bottom, with greater volume and very loose waves at the top (also adding a bit of head shaking/hair-ruffling - because sometimes it is necessary and oh-so-fun).
Saturday, 19 January 2013
Day 18 - Bottom Braidout
Loose waves were created when I took out the braided bun of Day 17. Straightforward and casual - I enjoyed wearing that way!
Day 17 - Braided Bun
On this Thursday, I opted for two braids: one at the front and one at the back. I joined them halfway and then rolled the back braid behind.
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Day 16 - My Little Pony(tail)
Ah, ye olde ponytail. Also, added a little lift to the bottom so it had a bit more swing to it. Quick and neat - how could you never at least use it once?
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Day 15 - 30 Second Faux-Bob
What do you do when you've hardly got any time to do your hair ahead of a busy schedule.? Faux-bob. In a matter of seconds. All I required was a pretty headband.
Monday, 14 January 2013
Day 14 - Unraveled Bun
Last night, I slept in with the bun style I did on Day 12, unraveling it in the morning. The curls were a bit tighter than shown in the photo below - I just wish there was some extra-extra strong hairspray that could have held in in place ( sidebar: if anyone ever comes up with some industrial-strength hairspray of some sort, let a sister know). Wore this style to one side, and it stayed rather resilient against the snowy/wet conditions of the day (I did wear a hat, by the way).
Day 13 - The Aftermath
I kept my hair in the Day 12 Bun overnight (you know how I like to carry over styles) So when I undid it, this was the result!
Day 12 - Simple, Yet Elegant Bun
So Saturday required a pretty yet simple-to-do style. My choice? A bun. With a looped pattern at the back.
Didn't get a perfect picture of the back, this one was taken after much maneuvering!
Didn't get a perfect picture of the back, this one was taken after much maneuvering!
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Day 11 - A Flicked Out Affair
Hello people, it's been a few days, so expect a few more posts tomorrow
EDIT (having some delays transferring images, should work properly tomorrow ).
This is how I wore my hair on Day 11 Straight, with flicks at ends, thanks to the very rare use of my curling tongs (I just rediscovered them several days ago)!
EDIT (having some delays transferring images, should work properly tomorrow ).
This is how I wore my hair on Day 11 Straight, with flicks at ends, thanks to the very rare use of my curling tongs (I just rediscovered them several days ago)!
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Day 10 - Straight To The Tip
Gone are the curls (finally!) and now it's time for some straight hair, courtesy of a good blow dry!
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Day 9 - A Little Big Hair
So the time has come to say goodbye to my Day 6 Curls. Gave the hair a thorough brush, ruffled fingers throught through the strands nearer to the top to create this Hair Of The Day. It's a little big - could be bigger, but I figured this is a good starting point. One day I'll make it super-big!
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Day 8 - Sideswept Reloaded
Yesterday I mentioned that I was preserving the style I opted for on Day 6. Well, today I took it out the bun and styled it to the right side. Here's a photo with my beret (such a classic hat,especially in black!) :
And this is what it looked like without my wonderful beret:
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